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Showing posts from November, 2018

Accepting challenges and facing naked truths of life and living...

Hard truths must be accepted and we should not be emotional about it.... We must be mentally 'strong'  enough so that all crises are tackled with cool temperament and well-thought decisions.... A 'weak' mind is always at the receiving end of various exploitation... We must be strong enough such that we are not unjustly exploited by others...

Tough times come to life without much warning...

I have faced tough times a number of times.... Tough times can destroy a person and his family... One must be toughest, when tough times strike.... When all situations including financial, physical, medical, social and political go against you, you must sit in meditation and find innovative ways of solving problems, where 'mental toughness' must be of highest priority... Being 'mentally strong and stout' is the basic condition for surviving storms in life...

Essence of healthy living and happiness....

selected,balanced diet only at proper intervals... 'fasting' at times... exposure to sunlight... exposure to fresh air... drinking sufficient water for a better health... regular intake of foods with antioxidants.... interaction with positive people and persons with high thinking... interaction with 'saintly' people.... regular physical exercise... good sleep at night... meditation for improving memory and mental fitness... 'going slow' at various crises in life... remaining 'focused' upon meaningful activities.... avoiding debates, quarrels, confrontation  and altercation of any kind.... regular prayer to God.... minimizing personal needs, and demands for remaining happy... minimizing desires... minimizing 'running after' money and possessions... minimizing human interactions .... avoiding 'talkativeness' for all situations... improving mental 'concentration' for achieving personal 'excellence'.... ...

All people who shout too much are basically great liars...

All tall-talkers are basically liars of great magnitude.... It is best not to listen to such people... We should tactfully avoid such people.... At our professional place, we see this kind of people in large number....They try the technique of talking aloud to impress upon the bosses or other colleagues....Such drama is part of majority of the work place.... Tall-talkers are hardly 'doers' in practical situations.. A good system requires 'doers' or high performers.... Hence, it is good to take immediate action against such uncivilized, loud talkers.... Stop these scoundrels polluting the environment..... Sound-pollution is most irritating and one should be punished for such 'irritating' and 'uncivilized' people.... If people are not 'soft', and 'sweet' in speaking, stop interacting with them and give them the message that such 'uncivilized' behaviors would not be tolerated further...

Many gates of society and life open by insertion of 'money'...

'money' is the biggest of all modern resources... if you don't have money, many of the vital doors and gates will be closed for you... Life is so cruel about 'money'... People are ready to do anything for money... People have become so 'cheap'... Many human bodies are real bastards.... People hardly hesitate to tell naked lies to mislead general public... Many of the Media houses have become scoundrels who 'sell' news and misleading 'advertisements'.... Hence, we need to fight continuously against 'corrupt minds' in the so-called 'civilized' society.... We must have 'strong minds' and will power to survive... We must have sufficient 'money' so that no gates are closed on our faces.... Stop compromising about 'money'... Develop some 'affinity' toward 'money'...

Yes, you can change yourself, if you have the strong will...

Will power decides our hard core achievements in life... At any stage of life, we can set 'higher standards' for ourselves & take such actions that would guarantee our personal  'excellence' in any field of activity.... To do things excellently, we need to take the following steps: take enough time to 'research and plan' things.... you must be able to see a 'big' picture about what you want to achieve... develop 'clarity' about all aspects of the human activities... develop 'clarity' about the use of technology and machines etc. do a lot of rehearsal/practice before the actual thing.... set high standard for yourself... think deeply and take important decisions.... work hard to make things happen... 'hard work' is the only innovative formula for 'excellence' in life.... Plan everything in advance and keep plan B and plan C ready for any contingency... Human excellence has no limit.... Try to improve t...

Foundation of a stable and happy life...

Be cool... Take long time to think and develop 'big' ideas... Translate ideas into 'actions... Take feedback & take concrete steps to improve things.... Develop 'clarity' about doing things... Try hard to develop 'logical' and 'creative' thinking... Remember: an organized mind is a powerful mind.... Happiness lies within the mental processes and feeling of physical well-being.... Happiness is your, just be happy with you and with what you have now.... Don't keep your 'happiness' 'pending' for tomorrows.... Be happy today, now and here Be master of your happiness.... Be your own boss...

Maintain purity in thinking, speaking and will be full of happiness...

If your thoughts are pure, honest and right, your actions will be free from any kind of pollution....all pure thoughts are based upon highest level of universal truths and facts of life... If you speak very selectively, you will surely invite least of troubles of life....our words could be our worst enemies, as the people in general are most complicated and vindictive.... If you do things honestly, you will have little to regret over...honesty pay in the long run....honesty stands straight in the face of all troubles and hardships of life....

Moments of beauty....

Life's simple moments are the best in one's life.... Keeping life simple will make you enjoy love, affection, respect,  nature and its beauty & compassion for all beings in their purest form... Purity is the true essence of an extraordinary life... If one can become simple like a child, life's greatest beauty will be revealed to him or her automatically.... Shake off all kinds of 'ego', vanity, and arrogance, and see life like a can feel the difference.... Throw out the bull-shits of  hunger and greed for ego-sex-power-money (ESPM) from your life , and feel the difference.... Only the scoundrels  are happy with their animal-like living and process of satisfying ESPM factors of life... Keep away from the scoundrels , and you will remain happier... Stop revealing yourself to animal-like characters within the human society....

Life is a struggle...

  Life is a struggle in the sense that: continuously setting higher targets and achieving them... differences of opinions and conflicts... running after money, position and power... fighting politics at work place.... dealing with complex and unpredictable human beings.... spending tense moments over money, politics, politics, society, health concerns etc... expectation from others and getting ditched.... feeling bad about breach of trust... loss of money.... betrayal from others... false and malignant criticism from others.... unethical competition.... being victim of  revenge... being victim of jealousy of people... being trapped in loans and passing through hard days....

How to remain happy, even in tough times...

Everything in life will not be in our control...Ultimate controller switch lies in the hands of God...We are like toys remotely controlled by Him...Hence it is most wise to unconditionally surrender to Him... Only devotees of God realize the nothingness of the material enjoyments and lead a disciplined life, as per the verdict of the scriptures....Universal truth and continuation of life on earth or other place are never dependent on the whims and wishes of any human being...A human being's ultimate duty is to realize God in this body and live a blissful life, by negating the nonsensical consumerist attitudes toward life.... God is all.... Once we develop Love For God, life becomes filled with happiness and peace....and God's grace flows to us automatically.... We must realize that we are not the real doers....things are getting done through our material body and  mind.... Everything is temporary, except God's existence.... Companion of the saintly people can destro...

We hardly can trust anybody...

We should trust only a few, highly selected people...Only a few people can ever be your friends in life...all others are fake ones to be superficially connected in social circumstances.... Basic requirements of a happy life are: maintaining good health... working hard for a cause.... earning good amount of money for self and family.... self-confidence to fight various social evils.... political, legal social and economic awareness.... life based on truth, spirituality and discipline.... courage to live well... courage to fight bad elements in the society... courage to negotiate.... courage to dominate people, as required by circumstances..... courage to face tough times and big challenges of life.... courage to maintain one's unique styles.... courage to be 'outspoken' at times.... courage to face the hard truths.... courage to make 'big' decisions in life.... courage to be 'one's own boss' in life.... courage to take ultimate actio...

We are ordinary, as our ideas and actions are so....

High thinking, big ideas and abilities to make things happen , as per the big thoughts, prepare the foundation of great success and higher achievements.... If one can create great ideas, one can implement them too, on the ground.... Once one is convinced about the big thoughts, one must be able to go to any extent to make things happen.... 'Fickle-mindedness' and 'procrastination' are real 'evils' in one's personal life.... A 'focused' mind is best qualified to be successful and prosperous in life...

Ordinary people become extraordinary by will power...

Will power is the most powerful human quality that distinguishes extraordinary people from the most ordinary.... People who lack in will power and self confidence are mostly failures in life... Ingredients of success are: consistent hard work... will power to hold on to targets and goals... networking with right kind of people... abilities to adapt to any dynamic environment.... abilities to update and up grade to the latest trends and demands in the society... steadfast self-confidence and a non-vacillating mind.... highest level mental concentration... God's blessings and compassion to make things happen....

Opinions vary, but truth remain unpolluted, undisturbed...

Truth will not change because of your opinion about are simply a 'nobody' to change the truth...All opinions are relative...there is nobody who is absolutely right...mere vocal expression of an opinion is a guarantee that 'truth' is spoken about.... Fools talk too much, and hence stop listening to them.... It is better that you remain 'isolated' from 'human' beings and immerse yourself in 'meditation' to feel 'blissful'..... 'Meditation' does not need money.... Money can not buy everything in life... You can not purchase 'happiness' and 'peace' with money....

Practical life and its harsh realities...

without money, we can't think of leading our daily life... 'money' is the toughest of all subjects related to human life... money is essential for acquiring various items of our 'basic' needs... without money, a person is completely 'helpless' and most of the people have the tendency to exploit the situation of 'helplessness' of that person... people become very ferocious and cruel, when they do not get the money expected from others... all 'power' is somehow related to easy access to 'money' power.... money can purchase all types of human and material services.....and it is that power of money making people 'powerful' and 'ferocious'.... to keep ourselves more safe and secure physically, the first condition is to be 'financially' secure.... all aspects of modern life including food, shelter, clothes, medicine, and education are now 'servants' of 'money'.... many people will give you...

Lack of faith in self is a sin...

We have enormous power within us, but the major part is lying dormant.... Dormant power can be awakened through regular practice of meditation... There is no precondition for meditating...anytime we can meditate, if we have the will to do so.... One technique is to constantly reject the inputs to our various sense organs...continuous rejection will make the mind 'stationary'...such a static mind only can feel God deeply... After closing the eyes, we should just 'let go' all kinds of thinking except the feeling of the 'soul' which is all-pervading, free, free from all desires, indestructible,absolutely peaceful and full of 'ananda' or 'bliss'..... There is an inexpressible joy in feeling the 'soul' lying within this body...Body is a temporary cage for the 'soul'.... We all are 'one', if we feel that we are fundamentally 'souls'...All other things associated with our status are fundamentally 'illusion...

Changing myself first...let the whole world wait...

I need to change myself everyday.... I must create newer ideas and implement them in real life actions.... 'Finding faults with others' is a chronic illness of many human beings... This is a professional business for many people, who earn their bread and butter by 'finding faults with others'...These people are as greedy as dogs....They earn money in great amount ;and inflate their filthy 'ego' by engaging themselves in the dirty game of 'finding faults'.... 'Finding faults' is hence an 'industrial sector' in which many crooked and shrew people are filling their stomach....These people are not perfect or perfectionists, they are basically greedy people who feed on the weaker minds in the society.... Decide now to change certain aspects of yourself....Act now....At the end of the day, you would be satisfied to learn you had been able to 'improve yourself' in some manner and the other...the sense of 'satisfaction' is ...

Life's many changes...

At the age of 52 years, I have been compelled to change things like the following: minimum quantity of food intakes... almost measured quantity of drinking water.... morning walk for about an hour to fight blood sugar... restriction on meeting people... managing 'time' of food, rest, work, and sleep... conscious about spending and saving money... taking vital medicines in time... following prescriptions of doctors... saying things cautiously... interacting with 'selected' people... making habit of eating fruits and vegetables.... trying to follow 'go slow' principle and practice... trying to generate additional income for the old age... trying to keep good health... trying to remain confined to my specialty domain of teaching...

Causes of unhappiness...

it is mostly due to 'ill health'... general attitudes to life... lifestyles consisting of undisciplined behaviors, unbalanced diet, lack of enough physical and mental exercise... maladjustment with the society/colleagues/friends/family... psychiatric obsessions/disease.... physical discomfort from diabetes, high/low blood pressure, fever, pain etc....

Power of 'management'...

Actions based on scientific management principles and practices are always effective, & powerful..... Science really tells lies... If the decisions are taken with scientific and practical considerations, actions will surely bear predicted fruits.... 'Management' professionals are highly sought after, because they can make 'impossible' things 'possible', by applying management principles and theories in practical business situations.... Management of men-machines-materials involves planning organizing staffing directing controlling

Search for infinite God within and find divine peace...

Instead of searching for God in temples or places of worships, search for Him within your own self and rediscover your real identity.... Whatever lies in the infinite number of universes, lies in this small human body...Body-mind-soul combination is the representative of God.... Invisible life-force lying in us is part of the infinite God and has the same Nature... Body and mind cover the infinite God inside us, with illusion of our ignorance... Ignorance is the root cause of all evils surrounding our life....  Practical world is full of infinite variety of sights, sounds and thoughts which are purely temporary and nonsense for an eternal life of peace and happiness... Temporary sights, sounds, touches, taste and thinking can never be source of permanent and perpetual happiness & peace... Soul is permanent, perpetual and eternal , and hence when we are fully focused on soul, we develop divine detachment and renunciation and feel peace in soul which is free from all k...

Researching is essential for doing well in any business...

For doing any business, a thorough research is a must for developing 'products' and 'services' as well as for developing 'acceptability' of the products and services among the customers/consumers.... Consumers or customers are the 'central' characters of any business activities.... Hence study of consumer psychology is of utmost importance for any business.... Consumers behaviors are founded on parameters such as... social status... economic conditions... cultural identity... educational background... general knowledge and awareness.... general aspirations... peer groups... purchasing capacities... attitudes toward improvement in standard of living.... ambitions... We can develop a good business, if we understand consumer behavior(psychology) in general and market segment in which the quality and quantity of the well-researched 'product' could be popular.... Popularity of a product depends on 4P's(Product, Price, Place ...

Appreciate good qualities in others...

By appreciating good qualities in others, we enrich our minds and through 'induction' effect we absorb some fine qualities in our own personality from other people... Take one or two good qualities among your known people, and try to follow them in your life ... You will certainly be benefited positively... If we go on seeing bad side of others, we shall have no chance to improve we get influenced by 'negativity' of the darker side of those people... Try hard to be 'excellent' in each of your will unknowingly become 'excellent', if you are truly 'selfless and devoted' in your endeavors.... Give enough time to 'creative thinking' process of your brain.... Meditate for a long time.... Develop a good memory... Try hard to build better habits... Try hard  learn from others... Appreciate good qualities in others sincerely... Respect others... Be prepared for harsh criticism, but be extremely confid...

Yes, I can do my latest realization...

Lack of self-confidence is always disastrous for anybody....I had 'lack of confidence in self' for last so many years... After so many years, I am now overcoming self-doubt and gaining self-confidence about many things in life.... I always used to think about 'what others will think of me', if I 'do this' or 'that'..... I had a lot of hesitation about saying things to others.... Slowly, 'clarity' has developed about my own abilities... I now realize that I am a very strong communicator and counselor.... ...that I have read thousands of books in my life... ...that I can get along with variety of people.... ....that I can express me very well... ....that I am an excellent public speaker.... .....that I am also a good and powerful writer.... .....that I am an effective teacher of various subjects... ......that I am good at Mathematics, Physics , English and Engineering ... .......that I am a good decision-maker & a good human res...

Life is an open, never stop learning from others..

One of my friends, P.Ray is a great example of hard work, tenacity and prosperity. I should try to follow his ways of working hard for prosperity.... Prosperity does not fall from the sky, it is the result of sustained hard work with tenacity, determination and consistency of purpose.... One similar example is S.Kundu who works for about 14 hours a day almost throughout the end....He also saves a lot of money by minimizing his family's needs....He is extremely conscious about spending money ..... In everyday life, great examples are lying before us...but how many of us really take deep interest  into these examples and enlighten our lives with ' hard work, tenacity, determination, high thinking, regularity & consistency of what we do'...? Deep philosophies are lying here and there , widely open ? Are we learning from such great examples of heroism ? Do we find extraordinary persons among the so-called most ordinary people ? If we can see the 'bright...

Life is action...idleness is a sin...

It's a great gift of God to remain engaged in meaningful 'actions'.... Action is always a 'mind-purifier'.... Actions cleanses the mind of all sorts of garbage generated from inaction/idleness/laziness/lethargy.... An idle mind is the storehouse of evil/unproductive/destructive  thoughts leading to low level of success and prosperity.... Each of action should sharpen our skills... Each action should teach us newer things... Each action will make more matured.... Each action will make us more experienced.... Each action should take us near to greater successes in life... Our actions can be divided into three categories: physical, mental and spiritual... Physical actions will keep us fit and healthy... Mental actions will keep us 'sharp and alert'.... Spiritual actions will enrich us with realization of Truth/God/Self.... All Human opinions are relative in nature...and hence can be ignored or thrown into dustbin by somebody or the other........

'Duty first, duty last' policies and practices....

We can lead a happier life, if we remain focused truly on the philosophy of  'Duty first, duty last' ... We all are just 'one man army' in our personal lives... We can enrich our lives by following our duties for others and selves religiously... If we are truly focused on ''Duty first, duty last' , we shall hardly find any time to find faults with others or criticize others or to worry continuously about the imaginary future times... List of our duties should be prepared on the previous night, before going to bed... Then, take one item at a time and finish your jobs in time... Managing 'time' is the boggiest of all challenges of a human life... Each one of us has the same 24 hours... Everyone stands on the same platform in terms of '24 hours' of a day... None is richer than any other... A person is rich, successful, powerful and happy, depending on how the allotted  24 hours of  a day get utilized... Using 'time' effect...

'Living in the present' can solve many of the mental problems

Mental problems are of the following types: constant worries tension about future anxiety over uncertainty of the outcomes of our actions or actions fear...mostly fictitious or imaginary or real.... fear is the most harmful of all kinds of emotions... We can never lead a happy life, if our lives are paralyzed by any of these negative thinking or obsession with anxieties.... The ultimate aim of today's life is to feel happy at the personal level.... If we know how to remain happy, today's will be well-lived, otherwise it will a waste of life's invaluable time... God has allowed us 'time' to live in happiness, but we are trapped by many of the negative emotions and live a unhappy life... Unhappy people are of little or no use to others in the family or society.... Unhappy people will always act demotivating elements  for all people around him... Hence we should know and realize happiness in its pure form. The best way is to be deeply involv...

''Clarity' is ultimate in one's life...

Yes, do you possess clarity on various aspects of life ? Do you have crystal-clear concepts about daily activities family responsibilities and duties general knowledge and latest happenings 'key' social relationships 'managing' time most productively... career and professional growth ... money earning opportunities...

Lack of self-confidence is disastrous....

without self-confidence, we reduce ourselves to 'rubbish' status... you become a rubbish, if you lack in self-confidence... you can't succeed in any venture, if you are full of 'self-doubt' and 'shyness'... you must develop 'clarity' in all things relating to 'thinking, speaking and doing'... we basically are involved with three work in the form of  'think, speak, and do' ... what are you thinking? are you thinking logically ? are you thinking creatively? are you thinking with an organized mind? are your thinking process well-organized and systematic? are your thinking process producing 'big ideas', 'high thought' , 'great business concepts', 'big innovations of what new things are to be worked upon'? what are speaking of ? is it absolutely required of you to speak ? are your speeches meaningful, effective and of great impact on the actual ground realities? are you still...

Keeping youthfulness alive...

it's all in the mind... it is the colors in the mind that is reflected in whatever we do... 'ego' is a great barrier to making healthy relationships & effective communication... be natural, simple and genuine in your public behavior... do not bluff people, be 100% genuine... be 100% honest... be straight-forward... speak less, but speak truths only... spend time with quality people only... take special care of all your family members... enjoy the greatest benefits of nature, everyday: sunlight, water, fresh diet, natural exercises, fresh air.... consult the best doctors , if required... have great 'self-confidence' in dealing with difficult people... be mentally stout... have great patience... inspire and motivate youngsters to keep your spirits high... try to keep a pleasant mood, most of the times... spend some time alone to analyze the self and the day's actions... take care of your thinking patterns, as the thinking makes the man... ...

Hard work pays...

if we are not ready to work hard, we should not expect much from life... hard work is the first and foremost of all qualities leading to success and prosperity... lethargy,laziness and procrastination are at the root of our deep rooted failures and poverty.... we should learn the art of 'earning' and 'saving' money, as early as possible... money is extremely important in life, especially in our tough times... tough times can be fought against by tougher individuals only... we should be tough, as the situation demands the same... we should never stop learning, as learning will change us internally for doing things in better ways... our only job in present life is to see thoroughly that we are improving everyday, in some manner or the other... Identify the areas in which we need to improve and take action on them one by one. For me the areas are: bold and courageous living.... self-training for a higher level job... networking with top-class people.......

Learning & Development is the most exciting thing in one's life...

It's all in the mind and the attitudes to learn newer things...there is so much excitement in learning that we hardly where to stop... Life is a continuous process of learning and doing things in newer and innovative ways.... Once we are able to swim in the ocean of knowledge, we shall never feel boredom and monotony in life... Learning and continuous self-enhancement must go together to make our present life enjoyable and interesting.... Yes, a life of continuous learning is full of excitement... Society is an open source, and learning from various sources costs us nothing... We only need to have an acute power of observation and analysis to be able to learn newer things from the most ordinary happenings around us.... Life can be made more enjoyment, excitement and happiness if  we adopt a few changes in our life: developing sharp power of observation... developing analytical skills... developing good memory... developing a well-selected network of 'key' peo...

Be your own boss..all day long...all your life: yes, it's possible

Work place can also be a 'fun' place, if you learn to be independent in most of your professional actions... the first thing about 'independence is to 'know your job well'... knowing well may not be enough... one must become a 'specialist' in one's professional domain... create your own public reputation, a strong 'brand' of yourself as professional service-provider.... the economic dynamics of demand & apply applies to almost all areas of human activities...hence your professional service will have some demand, certain level of competition, certain risks and uncertainty the same time, you have a good chance of doing well in life, if you understand economics, technology, consumer behaviors, marketing and a bit of finance.... as a teacher, I am a public speaker too... So, I must be highly proficient and effective as a public speaker cum orator... I must know my subjects well... I must be able to attract and inspire maxim...