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Showing posts from August, 2021

Every day,a new day,to be a better person, better professional and a great human being

Past experiences make you enriched... Keep an open mind... Learn faster,absorb properly and apply in each opportunity... Learning and doing by tenacity, determination, dedication and honesty should be life's best principles... Courage is the main differentiator in social, political and economic life of a person... Let courage , confidence and wisdom be our guide to an enlightened living....

Personal greatness...

It's a continuous process of self discipline,self improvement activities for greatness to develop... Others will feel and experience it by your great decisions, accomplishments.... It will be self revealing ... No publicity required.... Only fools opt for self advertising activities... You will be at your best form in all kinds of actions and you will feel happy with your inner self...

Life is a series of meaningful activities

Our lives are defined by our daily activities.... No work is small... Regular and consistent actions toward our goals will result into big achievements after a long time... Remaining focused is the main challenge of life... Focused and deep works are essential for cleansing the mind of rubbish and garbage... Digital distractions, information overload,social media tuberculosis,and knowledge dysentey are the root causes of today's human beings.... Self publicity is the evil... All stupids are running after name,fame , wealth,money and pleasures without knowing doing due hard work and maintenance of high level of integrity and ethics of a true human life.... We are mostly surrounded by such educated fools , everywhere,in any field.... My ESPM theory is still quite valid ...ESPM means ego ,sex,power ,money and its evil effects on a otherwise simple and happy life...

Devotion , dedication and determination define our practical success...

Forget what others think and say and do... Just let go all nonsense.... Your thinking and doing great works every day define what you are truly on the ground realities... Take actions now... Don't think... Just do it ... You already know what and how to do things ... All knowledge is hidden within you mind and conscience.... They are covered by Maya or illusions... Break the shell of Maya and meet your real self to take great decisions and actions thereby..... Just tocus sufficiently.... Get cut off from the outside world for major part of the day to know your real divine self... .

Many changes are required, especially building up a strong will power...

Mind control is all to lead a great life.... Self discipline is the key to long term success and happiness in life... Being harsh to myself is the only way out to discipline the mad ,monkey mind.... Clarity is the foundation of everything we are supposed to do.... Lack of clarity leads to mistakes and blunders.... We must devote enough time to meditation so that we could take great decisions in daily life.... Over thinking is disasters in anyone's life.... Doing is more important than 5hinking and thinking.... Take one great action at a time... Meditate and take up the next one....

Keeping focus on personal excellence is the key to lasting happiness...

Only great thing in life is to consciously trying to improve physically, mentally and emotionally... The best action is filter out garbage from life ... To learn continuously.. To better things by innovative actions... To tactfully avoid all kinds of mediocre and nonsensical elements in the society... To avoid conflicts and confrontation to be able to focus on personal duties and activities... To focus on developing expertise and super speciality in one's domain of professional activities.... To talk least ,and do more... To finally finish most of the planned jobs of the day.. To do physical exercise and build a stout body and a sound mind ... Working hard with dedication and honesty should be the ultimate mantra for a great life....

Many changes required in personal traits...

Not to entertain many people in daily life... Keeping aloof many nonsense elements will surely simply life... Being honest and hard working will help in achieving personal peace... Imandar persons with attitude of doing hard work will make life better and better.... Must devote sufficient time and energy for self improvement works and self training ventures... Must train the brain for strong self discipline.... Self discipline can do wonders for personal and professional achievements...

Without doing good works for ourselves and others, in our limited capacity, life is always dull, meaningless.

Life is actions, one after the other.. Life is a series of actions...  Works done are so powerful, they speak for themselves, continuously and remind us of someone's contributions... We are here to contribute...  We are workers of the eternity.. We are all equal and same, distinctions are created by the fools overwhelmed by Mayaic vision or sensory illusion...  Shaking off vanity of all kinds will help us liberate...  We must be free, from the bondage of Mayaic vision of life, living and social discrimination.. 

Giving my best in teaching the subjects in the most simplied way with funny examples is my profession now...

Blending serious subjects with funny examples and fun filled presentation is the key to deep learning.... Rapport with students is of utmost importance here...  Deep communication with deep works on the part of the teacher is very vital to long term learning... Learning should finally happen...  At the end of the day, we all must learn to learn and knowledge should develop slowly, but steadily... Knowledge is powerful...  Knowledge and skills are essential for any professional growth and achievement of excellence.... 

Relentless efforts are required to get things on each day...

One must pursue things with total confidence and clarity... Never to try to please everyone around you...  Just do what you need to do, with self confidence, and courage... Never stop learning should be our life long practice...  Practice is much more important than thinking and talking all kinds of nonsense with all types of mediocre people.... Don't bother about what others think about you...its their jobs.  Just do your jobs with confidence, and conviction... 

Doing the impossibles is what great people tell themselves every day, every time.

Most of impossibles are created by mediocre people all around us... Only 5% max.  of the people are extraordinary.... Reprogramming the mind is essential to do great things....  To be innovative, creative... Physical, mental, spiritual and emotional energies must be focused deeply to execute the unthinkables. Will power and relentless are the ingredients of achieving great goals and dreams of life...