Instead of searching for God in temples or places of worships, search for Him within your own self and rediscover your real identity....
Whatever lies in the infinite number of universes, lies in this small human body...Body-mind-soul combination is the representative of God....
Invisible life-force lying in us is part of the infinite God and has the same Nature...
Body and mind cover the infinite God inside us, with illusion of our ignorance...
Ignorance is the root cause of all evils surrounding our life....
Practical world is full of infinite variety of sights, sounds and thoughts which are purely temporary and nonsense for an eternal life of peace and happiness...
Temporary sights, sounds, touches, taste and thinking can never be source of permanent and perpetual happiness & peace...
Soul is permanent, perpetual and eternal , and hence when we are fully focused on soul, we develop divine detachment and renunciation and feel peace in soul which is free from all kinds of relative perceptions and perceptual distortions in this temporary world affairs.....
All these bull-shit fascination for name-fame-wealth-money-pleasure will vanish, once somebody realizes his or her true nature of existence...
We are basically souls surrounded by ignorance...all our actions are guided by ignorance and temporary affinity towards enjoyment of transient pleasures, ego, sex, social status and false vanity of power...
Sit in deep meditation and ask yourself 'who am I?' continuously...and you will discover the real Truth or God....all your illusions will slowly vanish and you will enjoy a newer divine life....
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