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Showing posts from March, 2024

Mastering the self is equivalent to mastering the world at large...

If one achieve a great level of self control, self restraint and self discipline, he or she would have flexibility and dynamism to command and control the environment around,as he has attained a great level of wisdom and intuition through the practice of self discipline.... Self discipline is the highest virtue of all human beings who are fundamentally a kind biosocial animals ...

Mind control is at the center of all kinds of self improvement and development..

Mind is a mad monkey to be brought under strict control...  The restless monkey can do a lot self destroying activities  So, let us be the master and monkey,the slave... Self enlightenment starts with self discipline and self control and continuous self improvement in small steps... Small positive changes result into huge and revolutionary transformation in course of time ..

Through regular, consistent and devoted practice of yogas, meditation and pranayam,the hidden, embedded supreme intelligence inside each being can be unfolded...

Regularity, Consistency,and Devotion Are key ingredients in the path of self realisation, Self enlightenment And realisation of Divinity... So,let's start practicing from now... While doing it ,let's be in the present moment, living in the present moment,LITPM, being the master key ,under the guidance of a Sadgurudev... Nothing else matters, except the practice of karmayogas in its entirety... Let's do it.... Let's ignore everybody and everything else... May God bless us for our good acts ,good thoughts, renunciation and other yogic practices...

To get rid of bad habits,it takes a lot of mental stamina, will power and extreme level of tenacity and determination...

Be determined... Focus on self... Hold on to good intentions... Hold to positive and rich thinking... Hold on to positive affirmations... Expand your mind and imagination to define your great works on the ground... Continuous learning and improving is always the most urgent actions on our part... Improve personality traits on a regular and consistent foundation.... Talk least and do more ... Be committed to your duties and responsibilities... Ignore everybody else... Focus on your deep works at hand...

Drastic and instant change of old ,bad habits has become extremely essential for me

In growth mindset,it's possible to change habits at an atomic level.... Small changes, consistent and regular, will revolutionise life in just a few days... Yes, it's possible... Believe that it's possible... Strong positive beliefs and faiths can drastically change our life and multidimensional lifestyles... Most of the wrongs are in our lifestyles only.... So, let's start it now 

Mind control,self control,self discipline and continuous improvement should be our targets in daily life....

Mind and it's actions are at the root of all our activities... So,we must mind our mind and it's processes... Mind is restless... Mind is whimsical... Mind control is difficult... Through regular and consistent meditation and yogic practice,we can ensure its reasonable control... Once ,mind is more and more silent and relaxed in thoughtless states ,we slowly achieve realisation of the self and the Omniscient God and His Divine creations ....

Being decisive and being actions filled in daily life is of paramount importance...

Mental and physical cleansing operations are based on the above principles centred living philosophy and practices.... Not waste of time and energy...and just do it principles should be combined in life in a balanced manner for self realisation and attainment of enlightened states.... Do good ,and you will receive from God the most unexpected,in the form of inner peace and satisfaction... Just keep doing meaningful works and forget everything and everybody else...

A completely new mind can be created within the existing old one...

Let's change and renovate and upgrade the existing mental software, programs, apps, beliefs,faiths, philosophies ,ideas and ideologies by completely new ones progressive, creative, innovative,and completely renewed outlook for and attitudes of life , living, enjoying and working towards our duties, responsibilities and commitments .. Integrity and best of intentions should guide us towards enlightenment, enrichment and sublimation of existing thoughts ,acts , behaviours,words and attitudes.... Knowledge,skills and attitudes ,KSA, should therefore be continually updated ,upgraded and thoroughly revamped so that we live a heroic life from now ,today and here...

Holistic detoxification is required for a better life and multidimensional talents to be unfolded...

Life is full of mental poisons and dirty distractions... Life is trying to head towards dark hedonism and dirty consumerism and it's illnesses... To keep ourselves aloof from such poisons ,we must physically restrict our movements towards nonsense elements of the society and enjoy loneliness in meditative state or format ... Comparative living is the root of all evils... Stop comparing yourself with others , whoever, whatever, wherever... Focus on your own soul and unburden yourself from the bondage of fake social relations majority of which is completely fake ,based on superficial interactions... Try to reach meditative state,most of the time and identify yourself with your innermost core self which is the embodiment of the Supreme Lord... Be detached,be disinterested and and be a true devotee of the Supreme Lord,the Omnipresent and the Omniscient.. He is there to help come out of transitory drama and it's illusions... God bless