- Work place can also be a 'fun' place, if you learn to be independent in most of your professional actions...
- the first thing about 'independence is to 'know your job well'...
- knowing well may not be enough...
- one must become a 'specialist' in one's professional domain...
- create your own public reputation, a strong 'brand' of yourself as professional service-provider....
- the economic dynamics of demand & apply applies to almost all areas of human activities...hence your professional service will have some demand, certain level of competition, certain risks and uncertainty etc....at the same time, you have a good chance of doing well in life, if you understand economics, technology, consumer behaviors, marketing and a bit of finance....
- as a teacher, I am a public speaker too...
- So, I must be highly proficient and effective as a public speaker cum orator...
- I must know my subjects well...
- I must be able to attract and inspire maximum number of students in the discharge of my teaching duties...
- Similarly, a good professional is he who provides special services with expertise, authenticity and integrity....
- a good professional is also a life-long learner, and he continuously devotes himself to learning newer things in his areas of specialization....
- an expert professional who earned a good reputation for himself or herself is certainly an 'INDEPENDENT' person...he will refuse to be a 'slave' to the mighty and the rich...public support will be enough to reach the pinnacle of success and prosperity...
- at the same time, we must remember that it takes a long time to be truly INDEPENDENT' IN LIFE AND SOCIETY...
- Only through dedication, hard work, tenacity and determination, one earns the right to be ONE'S OWN BOSS' who strongly refuses to act as a slave to the so-called MIGHTY, RICH AND THE POWERFUL....
Samrat Dutta is a recitation expert in Bengali Poems...he is just excellent... I learnt recitation only for one class & found that recitation needs continuous practice for a long time... Pronunciation, intonation, ups and downs of loudness of voice, method of delivery, mood and facial expression & physical appearance are the main points to be noted for ever... Word is extremely power.... Loudness matters... but extreme control on loudness levels as per need of a situation... Extreme level of courage and self-confidence are essential for any 'performing' art.... 'Performing art' essentially requires 'acts of minor or major' dramatization... "Drama" defines everything for attaining 'excellence' in affairs of public significance and business development.... We are all basically the 'actors' in the drama of life, living and society.... How did you act in today's one-act play of today's life?.... Could you impa...
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