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Showing posts from January, 2022

Fighting out lack of will power by yogas and meditation....

Meditation is the key to creating personal peace and philosophy of great actions.. Investment in meditation will certainly improve our mental and emotional health.... Mental and emotional health parameters are the key governing factors for a superior living.... Yoga is very significant for physical fitness and mental wellness.... Regularity and consistency are the primary requirements in the science of yoga,pranayama and meditation..

Patience is what of great significance to one's personal and social life....

Patience is the key.... Planning well is extremely important to execute great things.... Reminder that empty vessels sound much... Being cool,calm and composed ,and remaining a long marathon runner is of utmost importance... Taking the middle path by having patience and understanding is the best way to lead a selfless,devoted life.... Doing our duties with great passion, enthusiasm and determination is what make life enjoyable... Enjoying life with devotion to our professional and personal duties will of great help in attaining personal peace...

Continuously monitoring health parameters and taking concrete, practical activities such as exercises and diet control is of utmost importance to personal wellness...

Intermittent fasting is a great medicine.... Yogas should be made a part and parcel of daily life... Meditation is a great medicine too. Daily, regular meditation will improve most of our health parameters... Mind training and programming,MTP, should be implemented on a daily basis... Without good health,we can never enjoy a good life,in any manner... Must control mind to be in best of health and wellness...

Daily mind training and programming,MTP,is a must for achieving highest spiritual realizations in one's own life...

Lower desires to be sacrificed regularly... Must have lionic will power to stick to pure spiritual practices of daily life... Strong will,rock determination are essential ingredient for achieving extraordinary goals of God realizations... Work,rest and meditate... Meditation is a daily must for all seekers... All external sense organs must be driven to inner ocean of knowledge, wisdom and supreme silence of the Supreme Lord.... Stop and think which ways could lead you to enlightened states and ecstasy...

Mind training and mind programming must be done on each morning...

To boost up productivity ,we must plan a day for high performance... Hourly plans are most important.. To stick to what has been planned requires hard core tenacity and determination.... Extraordinary tenacity will make a person extraordinary in true sense.... Ordinary person becomes extraordinary by applying tenacity and determination to get things done... Daily improvements in areas of health, professional skills , knowledge development, social and economic transactions should be minutely taken care of.... Self development activities should be attached high priority....

Being strong is a way of living life ...

We are all unique... We are all strong and fine ,if we believe in our own unique selves.... Clarity in various aspects of life ,such as personal, social,political , economic and emotional,is essential for leading a balanced and meaningful life.... Going slow is also very important,as life must not be confused with a rat race... Don't treating yourself as a rat and live a stupid comparative life.... Work hard for a purpose...on each day... Enjoy your work... And ignore the rest....

Drastic changes are a must....

Wasted a lot of time... wasted energy...wasted creativity.... wasted money .... Now ,it's time to rebuild and renew all aspects of my personal life... Constant remembrance of God and productive works must mark each day.... Learning continuously and applying in real life duties are the primary focus ... Hourly as well as minute to minute planning of each day will solve many problems.... Physical exercises should be enhanced.... Intellectual exercise must be increased.. Finally,to live a life of balance, integration and higher thinking... By action,by practice,and by self development...