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Life is action...idleness is a sin...

It's a great gift of God to remain engaged in meaningful 'actions'....
Action is always a 'mind-purifier'....
Actions cleanses the mind of all sorts of garbage generated from inaction/idleness/laziness/lethargy....

An idle mind is the storehouse of evil/unproductive/destructive  thoughts leading to low level of success and prosperity....

Each of action should sharpen our skills...
Each action should teach us newer things...
Each action will make more matured....
Each action will make us more experienced....
Each action should take us near to greater successes in life...

Our actions can be divided into three categories: physical, mental and spiritual...

Physical actions will keep us fit and healthy...
Mental actions will keep us 'sharp and alert'....
Spiritual actions will enrich us with realization of Truth/God/Self....

All Human opinions are relative in nature...and hence can be ignored or thrown into dustbin by somebody or the other.....

We should listen to 'self' and 'self' only, and must not dance at the tune of others...
It is highly satisfying to 'dance to my own tunes'....I create my own tunes and that makes me happy as a person....

At the end of the day, I am supposed to happy in my own unique ways....Opinion or criticism by others should never influence me....Others should not be able o make me 'feel bad' in any manner...
I must not wait for or depend upon opinions and comments of others...


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