Self improvement books are quite good,but implementation of best of habits and practices is the most difficult thing ...
Keeping high level of motivation is really difficult,but not impossible.. Yes,it's possible ,only if we slow down a bit and avoid mental impulses... Our mental impulses and resulting distractions and deviations are the root cause... To root out the underlying mental aberration is the biggest challenge here... Regular and consistent meditation can relieve us of many such ills and we could lead a more detached,balanced life... We must bring balance in various aspects and such consistent striving only could do miracles... Once a good and strong habit is embedded in our daily lives,we can derive it's long term benefits... Inconsistent, irregular and erratic behaviour and habits might lead us to a ruined life in itself... We must bring complete and clear awareness in our consciousness about what to do and what not to.... Being decisive in a strong positive way on each single day is now urgent,if we serious seek a great life...