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Showing posts from October, 2022

Cleansing the body and mind on regular basis is the highest priority of present moment....

Cleansing the body three times a day is a must.... Prayer of 15min three times a day is necessary to cleanse mind.... Through continuous practice on a consistent basis will transform our behaviour, attitudes,talks ,emotions, and philosophy of life.... A transformed personality can motivate other people to change for the better.... Practice.practice . practice to evolve as a great leader cum hero in day to day life....

Body and mind detoxification is the topmost priority of life...

Detoxifying both the body and mind is of paramount importance for living a decent and dignified life.... A balanced diet, intermittent fasting on water ,regularity and consistency of physical and aerobic exercise,yoga meditation meditation are the building blocks of a great life.... Being choosy in networking with people and keeping aloof from toxic people is another most important strategy of living a great heroic life... Living in the present moment, LITPM,is the key philosophy that could definitely detoxify our minds and we can focus all our energies in meaningful works of daily life.... Through various kinds of personal and professional works and duties in a most devoted and dedicated manner  ,we can detoxify our mental processes and achieve a higher level of perfection and hence consciousness.. Development of higher divine consciousness in the self is the highest goal of life... God is all,and our mad monkey minds are the root cause of our deviations from the divine life and d...

Before bedtime and early morning,we should program our mind for meaningful works and thoughts that would guide the whole day...

Everyday is a new day... New ideas and new programs should be written on the central nervous system... WE are like modern computers... We can save newer version of our mental software to achieve the present goals of the day one by one,step by step... At the end of the day,we will feel great satisfaction and sense of fulfillment for leading a well planned and well programmed day...

Life is finally a learning processes and experience for building a good character and a sense of integrity to serve the self as well as others in a balanced manner..

Development process of personal perfection with a good character and great intentions is what makes life a great experience.... Life is a feeling... Life is learning... Life is evolving into a great human being.. Life is serving others in need .. Life is selfless contribution. Life is fun too.. Life is a journey to realise truth and God.. Life is beauty.. Life is duty too.. Life is finally to be happy,satisfied and fulfilled at the end of the day... Life is practical truth ,hard or soft.. Life is a struggle.. Life is not serious,as everything is temporary... Life is a sense of humor too.. Life is enjoying the work we do.. Life is work,work and work,ignoring everything and everyone...

Life is about continuously evolving as a better human being with higher and higher level of perfection and consciousness...

Becoming cleaner and purer  in all aspects of life is a great struggle for a meaningful life... Cutting down the earthly desires slowly but steadily is the first steps towards perfection and excellence... We must try hard again and again to reach perfection step by step,by destroying our sensual desires, material desires ,and also desires for name,fame ,wealth ,pleasures and money... Everything is so impermanent and transitory... We are running after mirage of money ,name ,fame ,power etc... We are here realise truth and God... Not to remain immersed in temporary material ego,desires and greed... We must hence seek the company of saintly people and cleanse our body and mind to move ahead with truth and beauty of life and existence... Mind is all... We should try to dissolve our minds into the infinite ocean of consciousness,God.. With His blessings,we can attain Him..

Best of teaching learning processes...

Being positive and friendly is of utmost importance.... Being involved with the subject matter,one at a time... Enjoying each of packets of wisdom is the ultimate goal of a teacher... Enjoyment will give out best feel among the learners... Making the topics lively and interesting is final goal of a great teacher.... Being positive, happy and enthusiastic about content delivery is what makes a teacher effective and respected for his or her selfless service to the community of students..

Self control and self discipline are the key virtues of any human being...

Unregulated lifestyle is the root of all sins.. Must strive hard to evolve as a better person ..... Must remain focused on personal and professional works for achieving personal excellence and perfection which is the ultimate goal of any person.... Must talk less and listen more to gather knowledge and wisdom from various sources in the society..... Keeping oneself busy with various meaningful activities is the source of self realisation.... .