Detoxifying both the body and mind is of paramount importance for living a decent and dignified life....
A balanced diet, intermittent fasting on water ,regularity and consistency of physical and aerobic exercise,yoga meditation meditation are the building blocks of a great life....
Being choosy in networking with people and keeping aloof from toxic people is another most important strategy of living a great heroic life...
Living in the present moment, LITPM,is the key philosophy that could definitely detoxify our minds and we can focus all our energies in meaningful works of daily life....
Through various kinds of personal and professional works and duties in a most devoted and dedicated manner ,we can detoxify our mental processes and achieve a higher level of perfection and hence consciousness..
Development of higher divine consciousness in the self is the highest goal of life...
God is all,and our mad monkey minds are the root cause of our deviations from the divine life and divine Love ....
Continuous struggle for developing higher level of consciousness is what a daily life must be....
In the path ,mind control is the center of all struggle leading to a divine ,pure and cleanest self in which only God exists in infinite forms in self and the outside world or universes...
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