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Showing posts from September, 2022

Great teachers are happy people in general...

Mode , methods and style of teaching learning processes matter a lot for its real effectiveness.... Hence ,a pleasant and happy teachers will have a good long term effects on the minds of the learners... A teacher in bad mood or depressed condition can't do much good things about effective learning to happen... A fun based, activity based interactive teaching learning process can do the miracle...

Continuous learning and quality assurance works in professional duties...

Everyday we should remain positively open to learning in various domains of our activities... Never to stop learning must be our life long philosophy... We must try to develop a balanced lifestyle that ensures personal excellence and personal development, simultaneously.... We must remain focused on positive thinking and positive doing,by avoiding many many distractions that we might encounter.... Elimination of digital and social distractions should be top priority job in everyday life.... Just ignore everybody and move ahead with right conscience,ethics and integrity in all aspects of daily life... Everyday is a new day...hence we must remain focused on the present moment instead of dwelling in the past or the distant future...

Practice of art of living for feeling better in daily life...

We must choose company of people very selectively... We must eat 20% lesser than we can.. We must remain active both physically and mentally.. We must slow down to find peace and satisfaction in what we do... Must apply Let Go and Ignore Everybody principles in real life practice to be free and liberated in true sense... We must smile while doing our personal and professional duties... Must practice yoga, meditation and breathing exercises regularly to stay fit both physical and mentally... Must talk less and listen more to learn continuously.. Mission should be continuous and life long learning in every day living... Must drink enough water and do sunbathing every day.. Lastly ,we should live in the present moment,to be free from past and future.....

Continuous struggle for excellence will earn freedom from most of ills of modern day living...

Mind will remain focused on personal wellness, excellence and perfection... Mind is all.. Mind is the root of all choices we make and do things... Mastery of the mind for character building and performing to the fullest abilities is the goal of life... Just, ignore everybody and move ahead with a super clean mind, intentions is what is expected by life.. Be grateful to Him for all his blessings... Pray continuously for His guidance... Ignore everybody... Give your sincere efforts to all your present endeavours... Finally,live in the present moment...LITPM

How to eliminate rubbish, garbages and nonsense talks from life....

Company of people is of utmost importance here.. Avoid toxic people.. Be independent and self reliant in most matters... Save enough money for rainy days.. Stop sharing your personal and professional secrets with any body ,anyone , anywhere... Deny access to yourself for most of the people.. Be selective .. Be aloof .. Maintain some strict principles in your personal and professional works... Enjoy enough rest and relaxation... Enjoy your work by every bit... Enjoy your professional works by getting deeply immersed in your search for personal excellence and perfection.... Personal perfection and building of character is the ultimate goal of life... Learn continuously... Listen to learn and appreciate and experience the real , genuine life....

A well settled,calm mind is the storehouse of real knowledge....

A mad like monkey mind is the seat of all troubles of life.... Mind is always restless, whimsical and full of complexities, garbages and sensual desires.... A controlled mind is what educational inputs try to achieve... It's a life long process to train the mind for meaningful works ,thoughts in practical life.... A restless mind is the seat of all stupidity and nonsense activities... Daily meditation can take mind to higher level of consciousness and a great life... A few yogas combined with meditation will cure of the ills of modern day fast paced consumerist , cheating and bluff based high tech civilization... Cleansing the mind should be the highest priority of our lives.... Forget about the rascals say and do and try to remain focused on self realisation efforts...