Holistic detoxification is required for a better life and multidimensional talents to be unfolded...
Life is full of mental poisons and dirty distractions...
Life is trying to head towards dark hedonism and dirty consumerism and it's illnesses...
To keep ourselves aloof from such poisons ,we must physically restrict our movements towards nonsense elements of the society and enjoy loneliness in meditative state or format ...
Comparative living is the root of all evils...
Stop comparing yourself with others , whoever, whatever, wherever...
Focus on your own soul and unburden yourself from the bondage of fake social relations majority of which is completely fake ,based on superficial interactions...
Try to reach meditative state,most of the time and identify yourself with your innermost core self which is the embodiment of the Supreme Lord...
Be detached,be disinterested and and be a true devotee of the Supreme Lord,the Omnipresent and the Omniscient..
He is there to help come out of transitory drama and it's illusions...
God bless
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