If I had the tenacity and patience to pursue self improvement activities systematically and regularly without any exception...
Life would have been very much different,if focus on self improvement activities would have remained undisturbed under any circumstances...
Yes,regularity and consistency are the core parameters here for achievements of great things in life...
There is no short cut to greatness in any area of our lives...
Physical transformation for the best fitness and wellness is the highest priority in my life...
But some negligence led to disasters in terms of health parameters...
Whatever be the present states,I must take up physical transformation to be ultimate goal of life...
Mental transformation will simply follow a healthy body ,as I try to gather authentic knowledge from various sources regularly...
Applications of what I learnt and am learning must be the top most agenda in my personal as well as professional ventures ....
Learning is most important mission of life...
Implementation , applications and practical execution of such lessons form the very base foundation of any heoric living...
Learn and apply and gain ultimate mastery over whatever the domain of experience and expertise...
Learn.apply.apply.learn.learn.apply....cycle is the most beautiful part of our daily life and such a cycle has to repeat itself million and billion times for all times to come..
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