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Showing posts from May, 2021

Self control, and self discipline are the only keys to a happier life....

to live well is to lead a well-regulated life... mindless desires will lead to hell-like situations in life... a mind free of desires is the foundation of a happy... running after all kinds of mindless desires is the source of stressful, restless life... mind control is the central idea of a great life... happiness lies in simplicity, humility and devotion to God and His grand activities all around us... our daily activities should hence be well planned ,organized ... an action packed daily life is the first step toward personal happiness... in our works and activities lie the secret of a satisfied life... at the end of the day, our works define the state of mind that feels better.... once we finish our jobs one by one, we create an atmosphere of happiness and peace...

Must form a habit of doing positive work in place of thinking positive passively...

Just do it.. Just finish the pending jobs..  Foolish people always think too much... They plan a lot.. They all talk a lot... They promise a lot..  They do little... Real great persons do things till they reach their goals...  One goal is achieved at a time... Then another.. They experience real life, and they are on the path to continuous learning... 

Program your mind to invincible, indomitable.

Yes, each daily meditation sessions, we must strongly program our subconscious to be strong, invincible and indomitable.... We can do it by practicing.  Have strong faith in your inner ability, especially of your brain, to fight against all obstacles of your life...  Be cool and calm to make your life missions successful and growing happily...  Growth mindset is very very important, urgent and fulfilling in one's personal life, society and practical experiences....  Stop deviating and vacillating.  Think, decide and act with devoted efforts.. 

Mastering one's own is the cure for all sorrows of present life...

Give strong command to mind... Be harsh to yourself...  Stop deviating of any kind... Be strict with your decisions.... Don't listen to anyone, once you are engaged in your decided paths of work...  Work is life.. Talk less, talk essence, and stop talking nonsense...  Do things committedly.. No compromise with your own personal works....  Mastering my own mind is mastery over everything of my present living , and happy states factors...  Don't compare,  Don't complain..  Just take powerful actions...  Do one job at a time... 

Physical and mental stamina is essential for a strong personality..

Personality is everything in living a life... A strong person is held in high respect everywhere in the world...  A strong body is the home to a strong human mind... And vice versa... Weak persons can never become a leader in any sphere of life and society....  Leadership in any field requires a strong body, strong mind and a set of strong professional skills coupled with vast knowledge and experience in a specific domain... KSA, knowledge, skills and attitude, is the building block of a successful and prosperous life... 

Yes, mind can be programmed by being harsh to ourselves...

Think, decide, and act on what needs to be done.... Stand firmly on what you decided...  Stop vacillating...  Be your own friend and master too.  Don't dance at the tune of others...  Create your own tunes to make your life easier and beautiful...  Live with nature to be a better personality...  Nature is our best tutor...  Work devotedly and be happy at the end of the day... 

Keeping the mind in steady state condition is the real challenge of living a best daily...

Keep the mind steady. Mind is the intoxicated, mad monkey that must be harshly controlled by conscious self efforts.. Program the mind for a day.. Write a good program and repeat it to yourself, a few thousand times...assimilate the gist of saved program... Maintain it harshly..  Be rude to your own self.  Be tough...  Be steady...  Develop your wisdom by meditation...  Stop talking for a long time on each day and focus your life on God and His wishes for you...  God lives in you... God loves you...  Love Him by doing your duties with conscience..  Conscience is your practical God..  Work, work and work towards your personal perfection and your coveted goals steadily, on each single day.. 

Mind control by conscious efforts will enable us do many great things in life.

Mind is all.. All what you do, is what your mind wants to do....  Everything is in the mind.. Delay, divert your mind from outside desires, and devote yourself to whatever you want very precisely, with perfection... These practices will help us overcome all obstacles, all rubbish, all nonsense affairs of our existence.... Think deeply, and do rightly to achieve the best things of your personal life and development... 

Patience is everything in any good life...

Patience is a great virtue.. In family and social life, we must be able to keep patience to manage our lives well... We must avoid any kind of impulsive behavior...  We must behave well with one and all..  We, as teachers, must have almost infinite wisdom and patience to build a great reputation for ourselves...  Reputation is all.  Self respect is all.  Good work and reliable service to others will always enrich us in many ways... 

We can achieve great things in life only through great self discipline and commitment to self development activities...

According to Brian Tracy, self discipline is the only virtue to attain great success and prosperity in life... Best practice is sincerely love our daily professional duties...  If we love our work, we are worshipping God in all senses...  A devoted worker only can truly enjoy life...  Other dimensions are living with nature, maintaining long physical and mental silence, and attending six best doctors such sunlight, fresh air, good drinking water, balanced food, relaxation and sleep, and regular exercise.. 

If you are truly in love with continuous process of learning and development....

You remain creative... You seek growth opportunities..  You shun negative things... You sharpen your ability to acquire newer skills and knowledge... You are a satisfied person at the end of the day...  You tend to give your best efforts and enjoy what you do well...  Every day, at every opportunity, you evolve as a better person, better professional, better friend to others...  Your daily work and actions become your first love..  You are then truly living an amazing life...