- surely, it matters a lot, how we network in the society we live in....
- our thought process is affected to a great extent, by the people we mix with....
- we are supposed good and sublime thoughts in our mind, and we must be very choosy about selecting people in our lives....
- our dominant thoughts become our actions and actions define what we are, and who we are....
- meditation will help us bring clarity in our minds, about what to do, and not to do....
- we must set our daily work goals and be devoted to them to get them done one by one...
- The best principle is to do: One Job at a time...., to apply Do It Now ....
- when bad habits attack us , we must apply: delay, divert, take a mental break and do things creative....
- we need to plan things properly, to execute them meticulously and remain committed to whatever we do....commitment to our duties, and works with a perfectionist's attitudes will help us achieve success, prosperity, happiness, and peace on each day we live...
Samrat Dutta is a recitation expert in Bengali Poems...he is just excellent... I learnt recitation only for one class & found that recitation needs continuous practice for a long time... Pronunciation, intonation, ups and downs of loudness of voice, method of delivery, mood and facial expression & physical appearance are the main points to be noted for ever... Word is extremely power.... Loudness matters... but extreme control on loudness levels as per need of a situation... Extreme level of courage and self-confidence are essential for any 'performing' art.... 'Performing art' essentially requires 'acts of minor or major' dramatization... "Drama" defines everything for attaining 'excellence' in affairs of public significance and business development.... We are all basically the 'actors' in the drama of life, living and society.... How did you act in today's one-act play of today's life?.... Could you impa...
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