- must have real concern and passion for development of each student.....
- relaxed and easy-going types of teachers can a lot of good to the young people...
- should always be an inspiring person , as a good teacher....
- should be saying positive and encouraging things to students....
- must keep commitments of time and academic inputs...
- must have great patience and perseverance at all situations...
- must have clarity of the subject-knowledge...
- must inspire students to actions and continuous process of practice....
- must be regular and consistent about all works relating knowledge-skills-attitude development....
Samrat Dutta is a recitation expert in Bengali Poems...he is just excellent... I learnt recitation only for one class & found that recitation needs continuous practice for a long time... Pronunciation, intonation, ups and downs of loudness of voice, method of delivery, mood and facial expression & physical appearance are the main points to be noted for ever... Word is extremely power.... Loudness matters... but extreme control on loudness levels as per need of a situation... Extreme level of courage and self-confidence are essential for any 'performing' art.... 'Performing art' essentially requires 'acts of minor or major' dramatization... "Drama" defines everything for attaining 'excellence' in affairs of public significance and business development.... We are all basically the 'actors' in the drama of life, living and society.... How did you act in today's one-act play of today's life?.... Could you impa...
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