If we remain engaged and engrossed in our daily productive activities, most of our miseries will automatically get eliminated from our lives...
The more we work, the more happiness we can enjoy life in a variety of colors and flavors...
Daily practices of academics will in the long run enhance our personal efficiency, and such efforts will lead to personal excellence...
Personal excellence is the only aim of one human life, living and existing...
We must focus on Personal Excellence activities to live a better life...
The key idea is to keep aloof from the non-nonsensical elements in our society....
The great philosophy is to be choosy about networking with people in the society...
Setting of our daily routine is the greatest quality of any great personality...
We must not avoid hard work, as required from time to time....
We must avoid waste of time...
We must not waste our words...
We must avoid EXCUSES...and face the challenges....To keep up and enhance mental balance , emotional stability and good health, we must do regular meditation , as part of our inner medication for an enlightened life on earth...
The more we work, the more happiness we can enjoy life in a variety of colors and flavors...
Daily practices of academics will in the long run enhance our personal efficiency, and such efforts will lead to personal excellence...
Personal excellence is the only aim of one human life, living and existing...
We must focus on Personal Excellence activities to live a better life...
The key idea is to keep aloof from the non-nonsensical elements in our society....
The great philosophy is to be choosy about networking with people in the society...
Setting of our daily routine is the greatest quality of any great personality...
We must not avoid hard work, as required from time to time....
We must avoid waste of time...
We must not waste our words...
We must avoid EXCUSES...and face the challenges....To keep up and enhance mental balance , emotional stability and good health, we must do regular meditation , as part of our inner medication for an enlightened life on earth...
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