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Showing posts from March, 2020

Life's manifold changes now, here, today

Lock down is a new concept against corona virus... personally, one has to spend time at home and that's a big challenges for fun-loving people.. we can do yoga and meditation at home... we can play chess with the family members at home.. we can listen to good music, watch movies... we can cook food, clean home, do gardening... we can sleep well... we can do free hand exercises to keep fit.. we can write a book, a long pending project with ourselves.. we can do some online jobs... finally, we can create new ideas to earn money to survive in this economic recession deepened by corona pandemic

Fighting corona virus by simple,free acts

Focus should on building greater physical & chemical immunity in ourselves home based free hand exercises Drinking good amount of water and fruit juices green vegetables meditation and breathing exercises ,especially pranayama sun bath as far as possible building mental stamina and will power

Continuous self-development programs in our daily lives

Attitude is everything in life... Attitude decides the real actions we take... Thoughts and Attitudes are the foundations of one's life... Right kind of thoughts,attitudes,speech and actions produce tangible results in life... There is  greatness lying dormant in every person... We need to ignite organized action to make our life great... Plan, organize and act today... Life is action, action , action... Hard work with passion and interest can create miracles in our lives... Respect your daily time schedule, balanced diet, fresh air, good readings, and physical and mental exercises coupled with meditation for an hour a day... With all such resources, you need to build a strong marketing network to bring prosperity , success and greatness to your life...

Erase all the garbage from mind, at the end of the day...

Rubbish in the mind causes all kinds of problems in life... Like a computer , we need to refresh the memory regularly... We must move forward with progressive ideas... We must keep hopes and goals alive and act on them methodically.... We must slow down... We must change our lifestyle to improve physical, mental and emotional health and stability...