Most of our suffering is caused by a scattered mind, unsteady mind, unstable mind, restless mind and a mind full of garbage....
Each morning, we must clean up the garbage and start a newer lifestyle, new styles of thinking, doing and saying....
If we can learn to think deeply, clearly and eliminate the imaginary fears, worries, fictitious anxiety and bullshit thinking of many kinds, we shall be able to lead a life of total clarity, purity and decisiveness....
Decide to improve your health, fitness, business and finance, and take concrete, hard, tangible and loud steps to change things on the ground realities....
Accept truth, reality, and bitter facts, and then, take planned steps to improve your style of solving problems....
Solve one problem at a time...
Then, select the second...
Go on taking bold and beautiful steps...
Achieve something in a systematic and methodical manner...
Have a list of 12 things for next 24 hours and attack them one by one methodically...
Divide each day into three segments of 8 hours... 8 hours for entertainment, rest, relaxation and sleep....
Keep total 16 hours for various activities in the list of 12 achievements for the day....
If you are dedicated to the list of 12 jobs in 16 hours, you can live a life of great satisfaction, pleasure and happiness....
The true secret of living happily is to be immersed in works, activities and involvement in which your body and mind will be completely absorbed, involved and in meditative state....
Meditation is the greatest medicine of the mind that rules our inner and outer world....
Mind is the seat of all happiness, pleasure and satisfaction...
So, transform your mind by meditation on regular basis...
Eliminate mental dirt...
Enjoy your life...
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