Everyone is a seller in some sense or the other. We all sell products/services/ideas to someone or the other. the society is a big market place...dynamic, tough...it has its changing demands. we are supposed to deliver the goods as per the changing needs of the time, society, changing culture...
People take out money only when 'backs to wall' situation arises in their lives...
Price may vary widely...
But 'demand and supply' mechanism continue ...
We should adapt ourselves to the changing circumstances and hence earn money through honest means with the use of latest technologies...
We should hence update and up grade ourselves to fit into the latest demand patterns of the products/services/ideas so that we get success and prosperity we deserve...
People take out money only when 'backs to wall' situation arises in their lives...
Price may vary widely...
But 'demand and supply' mechanism continue ...
We should adapt ourselves to the changing circumstances and hence earn money through honest means with the use of latest technologies...
We should hence update and up grade ourselves to fit into the latest demand patterns of the products/services/ideas so that we get success and prosperity we deserve...
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