We are all same...
Doing, thinking and speaking almost similar things...
Basically immersed in illusion...
Immersed in all false, fake and temporary enjoyment of the time and matter....
Fools find pleasure in enjoying the basic pleasure...
They are hardly inclined toward the path of God....
Path of God requires extra intelligence.... Understanding, feeling, attachment to Him, compassion, love and selflessness...
Path of spirituality is too tough a thing.... It is a struggle for realizing the truth, beauty, art, life, death and devotion to the Supreme Lord....
LORD IS BLISSFUL.... But a few people acquire the delicate abilities to think and feel the true nature of peace, truth, and God...
God is all...
He is the doer...
He is the master...
He is the controller...
We are just puppets for Him, pulling us with His infinite Compassion... But we fools are engrossed in temporary enjoyment of the fake pleasures, and fight for name, fame, pleasure, money and material possessions....
When purity, clarity, integrity in a person combine, all doubts will slowly vanish and the sun of true knowledge will dispel all darkness of the handicapped mind.....
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