Maintain and nurture your own uniqueness...
Be happy with yourself....
You need not justify everything to others..
What others think and say should never bother you, if you feel that you are right, steady and honest about what you are doing....
Focus on yourself, your creativity and your spiritual experience of living, life, existence....
Think big , Do big, think with highest clarity, meditate, plan, decide , estimate and execute things in your own unique style....
Seek knowledge, learn steadily, correct yourself, improve your qualities on a continuous basis....
Keep your dreams alive on each day and try to develop a clear vision what to do, when, and where....
Give much time to yourself, your inner self, your inner voice....
Never compare yourself with others...
Live your own life...
Stop imitating others...
Be master of your senses...
Keep your needs and demands to a minimum level to be happy...
Live in the present and stop worrying for the future....
Doing well today is a cure for worrying for the future...
Cumulative effect of 'doing well and living well today' will surely land you up in a better position, If God blesses you with a good luck...
Pray to God...
Take special care of your health parameters to enjoy the blessing of this human life....
As an indestructible Soul, build an eternal bond of love, respect and friendship with the Supreme Soul through the path of Yoga, Meditation and selfless hard work....
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