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To implement our big ideas, we need great patience and tenacity of purpose..

If you don't have tenacity to implement your big ideas, you are simply not a big thinker, and you remain a mediocre like millions of others...

To do extraordinary things in life, we must display extraordinary courage, confidence and consistency to 'get things done'...

'Getting things done' is the key to 'great leadership' in any domain of professional activities...

To emerge as a leader, one must possess the following characteristics:

  • purpose
  • discipline
  • set goals
  • honesty
  • integrity of high order
  • ability to learn and apply...
  • courage to think big...
  • ability to communicate effectively...
  • ability to solve problems
  • real expertise and knowledge on the specific subjects...
  • commitment
  • hard work 
  • winning hearts of the followers
  • power to motivate and inspire people...
  • finally, adherence to Truth


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