I am now a free man, trying to do my own business...
It's a tough job to establish a business, as business requires a lot of versatile activities....
One has to do a lot of brain activities to do a business well...
The biggest of all challenges in developing a business is handling the customers, as without customers, no business can ever run...
Delivering the quality services is never enough for developing and sustaining a business....
Handling customers and their psychology is really a tough job...
Variety among the customers is of great magnitude...
Each customer has special psychology including his or her unique perversions, foolishness,intelligence-level, culture, educational background, psychiatric features, lifestyles, intellectual level, mediocrity and economic thinking, and philosophy of life & living....
Hence, we must take care of the mental processes of a customer....
We must devise ways and means of ensuring CUSTOMER SATISFACTION...
To ensure customer satisfaction, we must develop an attitude of GOING AN EXTRA MILE ...
Going an extra mile will surely enhance the process of RETAINING CUSTOMERS...
Among all these activities in a business, we must not forget that the following four pillars of life and living:
It's a tough job to establish a business, as business requires a lot of versatile activities....
One has to do a lot of brain activities to do a business well...
The biggest of all challenges in developing a business is handling the customers, as without customers, no business can ever run...
Delivering the quality services is never enough for developing and sustaining a business....
Handling customers and their psychology is really a tough job...
Variety among the customers is of great magnitude...
Each customer has special psychology including his or her unique perversions, foolishness,intelligence-level, culture, educational background, psychiatric features, lifestyles, intellectual level, mediocrity and economic thinking, and philosophy of life & living....
Hence, we must take care of the mental processes of a customer....
We must devise ways and means of ensuring CUSTOMER SATISFACTION...
To ensure customer satisfaction, we must develop an attitude of GOING AN EXTRA MILE ...
Going an extra mile will surely enhance the process of RETAINING CUSTOMERS...
Among all these activities in a business, we must not forget that the following four pillars of life and living:
- hard work
- happy family life
- health and fitness
- hobbies in daily life
- scientific basis of marketing of our professional activities for making money through honest means
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