My family members are greatest source of inspiration and hence keep my hopes alive to fight against and defeat all my problems:
- providing me enormous mental and moral support...
- how to struggle in life and renew my attitudes continuously...
- how to lead a dignified life...
- my elder son SIKHORENDU has now become a symbol of hard work and dedication in professional arena...
- my younger son SARADINDU gives me his sincere love and stands by me in all critical situations by his superior intelligent inputs...
- my wife SRABANI is the living symbol of personal patience, courage and enormous will power to fight out any problem...
- taught me how to say NO, when needed...
- they taught me how to deal with wrong people....
- they taught me how to manage finance with tact....
- they taught me how to remain mentally balanced and sound...
- they are teaching me how to be fearless....
- they are teaching how to increase my will power some million times...
- they taught me how to keep faith intact in many crises of life...
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