There is great satisfaction in working in areas one is deeply inclined to...
Crowding my life with a lot of things has caused me a lot of failures in terms of success, and prosperity...
But I have enjoyed my life in many dimensions and there is deep satisfaction....
Luckier ones are those who keep focusing on doing just one thing well in life....
Success comes from developing specialized skills in certain areas which have great market value...
Satisfaction and happiness have no monetary values, they are of eternal significance and of divine nature...everyone is not destined to taste divine pleasure and happiness and deep satisfaction of living a life of many dimensions...
By being more selfless, you will slowly understand the meaning of what is being said...
Crowding my life with a lot of things has caused me a lot of failures in terms of success, and prosperity...
But I have enjoyed my life in many dimensions and there is deep satisfaction....
Luckier ones are those who keep focusing on doing just one thing well in life....
Success comes from developing specialized skills in certain areas which have great market value...
Satisfaction and happiness have no monetary values, they are of eternal significance and of divine nature...everyone is not destined to taste divine pleasure and happiness and deep satisfaction of living a life of many dimensions...
By being more selfless, you will slowly understand the meaning of what is being said...
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