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Showing posts from April, 2023

We are supposed to learn from bad experiences of the present and the past to be better off for future challenges...

Learning is a quite a difficult thing in life... We hardly learn things seriously... We only repeat the steps taken by us in the past ... We are continuously repeating the same things,as they have become our hard core habits... We are mostly slaves of our past , because we normally offer high resistance to change... Resistance to change,RTC,is the main culprit here... Change may take a lot of strong will power,courage and hardship to suffer from,and we normally follow the path of least resistance,and hence our talents remains hidden , unexplored and unsearched for.. Till ,we find out our inner talents , aptitude,  abilities and creative skills,we remain a bundle of mediocre individuals,and lead a dull life... Once ,we can discover ourselves truly ,we will not dissociate ourselves with the bad habits,bad networking,time wasting ventures , the wrong path of the past.... Breaking the existing boundary of mediocre thinking, networking with nonsensical people and behaving like a lousy s...

Must give up the bad habits one by one so as to reach the pinnacle of personal excellence...

Achieving personal excellence is the only religion of one's life... All spiritual development leads to a state of personal excellence in one's personality... He or she becomes a symbol of greatness to others in the society.. All our behaviour , thoughts ,attitudes,speech ,actions must be unified whole thing in our inner personality and outer manifestation ... Words and actions must not differ...they must be the one and only thing in practice... Practice must be coupled with the same intentions and purpose and ideals... In this cheating baz civilization,we must set examples of integrity for others to follow...

Bad experience is a real life teacher...

Theory is useless untill it is practiced ... From practice,real wisdom is developed slowly... Life itself is fundamentally educating one self continuously to evolve as a better person and a great personality.... Each day will throw on us , various challenges and such things are to be managed with great problems solving skills and wisdom gained through experiences... We must educate ourselves continually so that we are better equipped with best of life skills and human management skills... We should make best use of time so that we don't have to regret later...

It is always to do some creative thinking and change day's lifestyle,to get rid of bad habits and bad companions...

Remaining aloof from toxic elements of the society is the very first step toward a more peaceful personal life... Talking less and remaining silent for a long duration will boost up one's creative thinking and innovative solutions to days challenges.... Just ignore everything, everyone,and be silent both physically and mentally by sitting in the lap of nature , completely alone , absorbed in the self... Silence is extremely power and medicinal impact on our existence can be easily felt by anyone is habituated to meditation... Only the fools believe in talking excessively and convincing others about something or the other.... Finally,just do what is required, which is important and which is urgent too... Stop giving excuses about you couldn't do this or that... Then , learn from the mistakes you have committed... Take one solid step at a time and be steady with your unique vision and mission,and try not to distracted by any human or other influences till you achieve your set goa...

Must continue learning and improving the self in many ways...

The most important mission of our lives is continuous learning and development... To be happy is to invest time and energy in improving the self... Success and other things will follow,if we steadfastly pursue our self improvement activities... Tough times must be faced with a tougher determination , tenacity and accurate decision making and solid actions on the ground... Must not give up,till we achieve our goals... Here,goal setting and it's meticulous implementation is most important... One small step at a time... Then the next one.. We must value and respect our daily times.. We must work with punctuality, sincerity and dedication ,PSD . PSD practice in daily life will do the necessary miracles ... There is no short cut to greatness ... Greatness lies in great ideas ,ideals and ideologies and their practical implementation... Execution of knowledge is true power... Dry and bookish knowledge is of little practical significance ... Build knowledge slowly and steadily apply in pra...

Personal networking in social life matters a lot in our thoughts, actions and mindset we nurture...

It's very difficult to be remain completely aloof from bad elements... But ,it's not impossible,if we apply various kinds of tricks and tactful decisions ... We must remain consistently resolute about human networking in our personal lives... Our mindset, attitudes, behaviour and speech largely depends on the types of people we mix and spend time with... It's always the best deal to remain busy with our personal development and professional activities... We should try to get extremely busy with our planned activities,and many evils will vanish automatically... It's best to plan our day in advance so that we divide our time slots in meaningful and productive activities... Day's productivity largely depends upon the daily action plan ,DAP,we try to implement with religious fervor and devotion... Just ignore everything else.. Just ignore everybody else... Just ignore what others think and do and say... Try to each day in peace , tranquility and solitude,as far as possi...

A restless mind is the seat of all evils,ills and problems of life...

A calm ,composed,silent can realise the hidden truths of life... But a restless mind is the generator of all evils in practical life... If we could stop thinking much about anything,truths will reveal on its own... A talkative and restless mind is the only source of all kinds of troubles concerning the living our lives... Just calm down.. Just slow down... Just stop talking all of nonsense, rubbish, no essentials... Just relax...relax and relax... Stay blessed by abandoning social interaction.. Stay aloof .. Stay alone .. Meditate... Stay silent... Get rid of unwanted, rubbish burdens concerning life , thoughts,talks  and actions of others ... Be lonely .. Be with Nature .. Feel nature and it's actions ... Just pray and leave it to Him... Just focus on your own self and it's further improvements... Think deeply ,plan and act on one job at a time, OJAATism... Work ,work and work by slowing ...

Tenacity matters for great things to be meticulously achieved

The principal differentiating factor among great achievements ,and frustrating failures is the intrinsic tenacity and determination among humans ... Tenacity ,patience , perseverance and great intentions and purpose decide what is in store for all our efforts or desires to achieve big things in life... Therefore,we have to sharpen our saw daily so that we could remain upgraded and updated with latest tools and techniques for furthering our mission and vision... We should take up idea at a time and implement the same systematically and methodically... Small steps on a regular basis will result in to great achievements over a long period of time... Small things matter ... But our purpose and intentions must possess right kind of purity ,clarity and integrity...

With self control,self discipline and self confidence, nothing great can ever be achieved in one's life..

Self discipline is base foundation for doing extraordinarily good things... On the platform of discipline,we must display self control ,while saying or doing.. For social interaction,we should display enough self confidence so that we could get things done tactfully and pleasantly... Just ignore everything else... Just ignore everybody else... Just focus meticulously on your own self and ask great questions to self everyday to find meaningful answers about : What are you doing? How are doing it ? What is the ultimate goal here ? What are your short term goals?  What are your long term goals?  How fit ,healthy are you? Do you meditate regularly? Do you take physical exercise regularly? How well selected is your diet? Etc etc... Are you involved in duties and responsibilities completely ? Do you work hard enough?  Do you enjoy personal peace ? Do you communicate well ?  All these areas of life should be assessed regularly so that we could take up self correction and se...

Great things are possible,if we reprogram our belief systems internally putting constant and constructive efforts...

All our practical results and outputs result from our mental processes,mind programs and beliefs of the past ... All our present activities are strongly founded on the thought process we nurture.... Thoughts are driving forces that lead us speech, actions and meaningful transactions in daily life... Mind can be reprogrammed again and again for renewal of our life in general... A weak mind is the seat of all evils,sins and rubbish actions that take in practice... Hence ,we must try harder to make a habit of thinking deeply for any practical activity that would impact our present and future lives directly or indirectly.... "Thinking deeply" and "thinking meditatively " should form a great foundation for our daily activities.. Networking with people is also of great importance in terms of use of time,and steady implementation of our mission and goals in life... We must use our time judiciously... Small positive changes and steps should be taken one at a time so that we...

Each day we should try hard to bring about small , positive changes in our thoughts and actions....

I should program my mental operating system to take concrete steps to improve things concerning my personal development... Continuous learning and improving is the key to a great life... Learn , learn and learn ... Just do it...just implement it and just finish it before you stop for some rest and relaxation... Don't bother about what others think and say... It's all in their domain to do nonsense... Just ignore everything and everyone,and move ahead with your personal mission to do great things in your life ... Focus on your own self first...

If we could implement, even if ,a few deep practical concepts self improvement books ,life would get drastically transformed ...

It's all in our mindset that really gets converted into concrete actions and meaningful results... We must try to program our mental states and mental operating system in the morning or the previous night ... Mind can be programmed systematically... Write a strong software for the day... Write an efficient algorithm for the day... Write the concrete steps and implement one step at a time.... One job at a time,OJAATism,is the key here ... We shouldn't deviate even a bit from the days algorithm,under any circumstances.. Any kind of deviated behaviour will destroy the whole architecture of the algorithm leading to the path of degradation... We must reprogram our mental processes almost every day so that we are truly on the path of self development activities... Continuous learning and development is the primary key to a great life...