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Showing posts from August, 2022

Living in the present moment,LITPM,is a great philosophy to be applied in daily life...

Past issues are our learning points... Time can't be reversed ,so conducting all kinds of post mortem is all nonsense.. Future is a concept, nothing real ,pure imagination.. Instead of dwelling in past mistakes and future imagination,we must try to remain focused on what do now,here and today's targets and goals should be pursued with energy, excitement enthusiasm and zeal.... WE shall be happy and satisfied,if can finish all the jobs at hand to further our goals and objectives for this single day...

Through extraordinary perseverance and dedication,we can achieve great goals...

Display extraordinary perseverance, relentless efforts and mental stamina and concentration to implement your great ideas on a regular basis.. There will be revolutionary change in your personal life... Apply step by step method... Implement one job at a time... Do around 10 solid works before going to sleep.. Read some portions of good books or a piece of literature to refresh your mind and it's emotions. Develop emotional intelligence.. Develop balance in all aspects of daily life... physical, mental, emotional ,economic and spiritual 

Trying to comeback to a normal life of integrity ,self discipline and honest professional services to academics...

I must stop waste of time and money to regain a life of simple living and high thinking.... Thinking is the foundation of productivity and enhanced creativity... Creativity is a great source of personal satisfaction and peace... Creativity and innovation should be embraced in daily life to live a heroic life.... Best way to be creative is to be thoroughly involved in what we do... Doing is most important.... Talking is important,when it is essential... otherwise it's all rubbish... Listening is an art that improves our real life learning... Life is finally learning, learning and evolving and doing too... Implement one great idea per day and there will be a sea change in a month's time or a year.... Just do it after deep meditation and you will find that there is revolution taking place in your personal and professional duties....

Continuous learning and evolving is life....

Am I improving on vital parameters of life and living ? Can I now ignore and cleanse the rubbish of social and personal space ? Can I focus completely on key duties , responsibilities and professionalism ? Do I act as a real life role model for my disciples in practical academics? Am I doing justice to my disciples? Do I read books regularly?  Do I take right actions at the right time with the right people? Do I maintain punctuality ,regularity and consistency ?